At our center, conveniently located in the heart of Chinatown, Manhattan, we offer Mandarin immersion programs with the objective of fostering a heightened interest in the language and increasing children's confidence in utilizing it. Concurrently, our programs facilitate communal growth in Mandarin and cultivate robust relationships among our students, teachers, and the community.
Age groups: 3.5 yos and up
Our Winter program is from Sunday, 01/05/2025, to Sunday, 04/13/2025.
小班/中班 (3.5-6 yos; In-person on Mondays & Tuesdays&Sundays)
Fun with Slime
Let's Celebrate Lunar New Year
Our Family and I
Magical Experiments with Water
The World of Fire
Let’s Feel the Wind
中班/大班 (4.5 and up; In-person on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays & Sundays; Virtual sessions on Mondays)
Fun with Slime
Let's Celebrate Lunar New Year
Flying in the Sky
The Secrets of the Meteorites
Trips to the Museums
识字班 Literacy Class (ages 6 yos and up; Sunday mornings)
600 Words Textbook Series
The 100,000 Whys Series
Idioms and Fables